Annotated Bibliography & Links

We are collecting a bibliography of key texts on the representation of space in art and culture from our readers, including websites and links of interest.

If you have something you would like to put on the list, please contact us.

One response to “Annotated Bibliography & Links

  1. Pierce Egan ‘Life in London’ (1821)
    James Grant ‘Sketches in London’ (1838)
    Hector Gavin ‘Sanitary Ramblings…’ (1848)
    Thomas Beane ‘The Rookeries of London…’ (1850)
    Charles Manby Smith ‘Curiosities of London Life’ (1853)
    James Hain Friswell ‘Houses With Their Fronts Off’ (1854)
    George Augustus Sala ‘Twice Round the Clock’ (1862)


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